Feuer & Rauch
This is me, Jens Schneider from Leipzig.
A little over 10 years ago I got to know this great fish dish from Scandinavia. Actually at a family party, no one knew it except the host and he had learned about it during a visit to Finland. Enthusiasm on everyone's part, after a few parties at my place, where I served flamed salmon to our guests and everyone found it sensational.
Now the idea matured to do more with it, so flux Dr. Google asked and lo and behold you see next to nothing. The offer was very clear and the handling needed a lot of improvement, so it had to be more or less reinvented. After a few attempts and the first prototypes, the flamed salmon board that I still offer today was created.
Over the years this was further optimized and became groundbreaking. I was the first to offer the fillet holder with long holes, I developed the reversible board, the board holder can now be placed on different fireplaces. In the beginning there was only one model available, today there are 3 variants with 2 different types of wood.
The journey continues and the development will also continue, stay excited and stay curious. I look forward to any suggestions and feedback.
I would be happy to help you personally if you have any questions about salmon and its use. Call me on 0172 2118345 or write to me.